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Member Profile

Add and edit profile

You can edit member profile information by adding or changing the fields you’d like to edit and click Save.

Active or Inactive Member

You can denote whether a member is active or inactive by clicking the Active switch at the top of the profile.

Note that inactive member profiles will remain in the application, but they will no longer be able to login, view their details, etc.

Member Tags

You can add tags (or hashtags) to a member profile to logically group members together and quickly filter members on the member list.

Type the tag you’d like to assign (don’t add a #) and press return, repeating for each tag accordingly. To remove a tag click the X next to an entry. Once done click Save.

Managing Memberships

To manage the memberships of a member, click the appropriate entry or choose the Assign Membership action.

The Memberships panel will be displayed where you can assign a new membership, manage existing memberships, delete memberships, etc.

Goals & Targets

You can edit member goals and targets used in the application by adding or changing the information you’d like to edit and click Save.

Measurement Goals

The measurement goals are used to track and chart member progress throughout the application.

Nutrition Goals

The nutrition goals are used to track and chart member nutrition and macronutrients.

What are macronutrients?

Each of the foods we eat are made up of three macronutrients (macros). These macros are carbohydrate (carbs), protein, and fat. Chicken is high in the protein macro, but has no carbs. Rice is high in carbs, but very little fat or protein.

Calculating Macronutrients

Clicking a day of the week link in the nutrition goals section displays the macro calculator.

This calculator tells you the best ratio of macros that you should eat to achieve your goals. From there, you need to determine the macros of all the foods you eat. By counting them each day, you can reach a target that leads to fat loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, etc.

Complete all fields as required and click the Save button to calculate macros for the appropriate day of the week.

Devices & Trackers

A member can integrate their profile with wearables and trackers, such as FitBit, Withings and MyFitnessPal, etc. to automatically capture activity, exercise, sleep, weight and more.

Click the Connect button next to the wearable or tracker and complete the authentication steps as required.

Amazon Alexa

A member can communicate with their profile in spoken language through Amazon Alexa smart speakers and related devices.

Install the Alexa Skill on your smart speaker and click the Alexa Connect button to display your secret PIN code.

Open the skill on your smart speaker and say “Alexa, ask Coachific Go to set up my account”. You will be prompted to say or enter your PIN to link your account with your device.

You can then ask for latest news from your coach and community, search your library or just get a quick update on your to-do for the day.

Simply say:

– Alexa, open Coachific Go
– Alexa, ask Coachific Go for my news
– Alexa, ask Coachific Go to search meal planning
– Alexa, ask Coachific Go for my to-do

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